The base of this pole was burnt through … and down came the wires (Photo: Ergon)

August 22, 2024

Ergon Energy network crews had to replace two fire-damaged poles recently after separate hazard reduction burns in the Wide Bay-Burnett region.

Acting Area Manager Simon Duff said the incidents – in the Central and North Burnett areas – highlighted the dangers posed if fires got too close to power poles and other electrical assets.

“Most property owners leave their burn-off until a bit later, but this is a timely reminder that landholders need to be careful when they’re using fire on their properties, especially where there are power poles and other electrical assets,” Mr Duff said.

Landholders could also use the lookupandlive app to locate poles on their property. 

Mr Duff said more than 110 customers were affected while crews replaced the poles and made sure it was safe to restore supply.

“In addition to the inconvenience of widespread power disruptions, fallen powerlines can cause serious injury or even death to people and livestock that come into contact with them,” he said

“To minimise the chances of fire damaging power poles and property, property owners should trim or clear any long grass, foliage and rubbish within a five-metre radius of electricity infrastructure and remain with any controlled burns they carry out.”


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