Illegally dumped materials are unsightly and can be dangerous (Photo: SBRC)

July 25, 2024

South Burnett Mayor Kathy Duff has urged residents to contact council if they become aware of illegally dumped materials in the region.

Illegal dumping can also be reported online

Mayor Duff urged all landowners and residents to do the right thing.

“Separate your waste in your trailer or vehicle boot before coming to a waste facility, recycle what you can, and dispose of all other waste in the general waste transfer bins provided,” she said.

“By doing the right thing, you’re helping keep waste management costs down and not burdening ratepayers with expensive and unnecessary clean-up costs.”

The SBRC has several waste facilities across the region. More information is available on Council’s website

Illegal dumping is the unlawful deposit of any type of waste material that is 200 litres or more in volume and includes household rubbish, garden waste, building and commercial waste or other materials that damage natural areas.

It can result in the release of pollutants into local waterways and spread pests and weeds species.

Fibro sheets or old vinyl flooring containing asbestos can pose a serious health hazard to others.

Illegal dumping is unsightly and unlawful dumpsites can lower property values and attract other illegal activities.


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