Wakka Wakka elder Eric Law AM and his wife Shirley … Uncle Eric will chair the new Cherbourg Elders Advisory Group

July 24, 2024

Cherbourg Council has formed an Elders Advisory Group to advise council on setting strategic goals for the community.

Mayor Bruce Simpson announced this week that the inaugural members of the Cherbourg Elders Advisory Group would be:  Eric Law (chair),  Christine Stewart (deputy chair) and members Leila Davidson, Neil Simpson, Cynthia Button, Arnold Murray, Lance Hill, Lindsay Cobbo and Kenny Day.

In May, Council invited expressions of interest from community members to join the group.

The applicants had to live in Cherbourg, be well-respected in the community and be willing to commit to the group for at least 12 months.

The aim was to form a group which could provide valuable advice to Council on important matters.

Mayor Simpson said the group would meet once a month for the next year.

“This is an exciting time for our community to bring back the old community ways of including our Elders in the local decision-making process,” Mayor Simpson said.

“We are looking forward to working with the Cherbourg Aboriginal Shire Council Cherbourg Elders Advisory Group (CASCCEAG) and the anticipation of great outcomes.”

Mayor Bruce Simpson, councillors and CEO Chatur Zala with community members after the first meeting of Cherbourg Elders this week (Photo: CASC)



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