Glider pilot Jack Christie took his first solo flight on Monday, using a Kingaroy Soaring Club DG-1001

July 23, 2024

If 16-year-old Jack Christie looks happy, it’s because he’s just completed his first solo glider flight … the start, he hopes, of a long career as an aviator.

Jack completed three solo flights on Monday from the Kingaroy airfield, and after he completes his fourth and fifth on Tuesday will earn his A Certificate, the first step in the long process of getting his pilot’s licence.

One of those Tuesday flights was one hour and 16 minutes long, which Kingaroy Soaring Club’s Greg Schmidt said was “phenomenal” at this stage of training.

Flying is in Jack’s blood.

His grandfather, Duncan Christie, is a soaring club instructor, and his father is RAAF Air Vice-Marshal Nathan Christie CSM, who is currently based at Butterworth Air Force base in Malaysia.

Jack is on holidays in Australia, staying with his grandparents on the Sunshine Coast, which seemed to be the perfect opportunity for him to start stretching his wings.

“I have always wanted to be a pilot,” he told

He had to complete 35 dual flights in a glider – including alongside instructor Mark Wahl in Kingaroy – before attempting his first solo flight.

“I started gliding with the Air Force Cadets in NSW about this time last year,” Jack said.

Moving to Malaysia meant Jack had to quit the cadets but he was determined to keep on flying.

He aims to eventually earn a spot in the Defence Force Academy in Canberra, where his older brother Aidan is already studying.

The pair hope to become the fifth generation in their family to serve in the Defence Force.

Jack grew up around military aircraft, but says his family never pushed him towards a RAAF career.

“Every time I look up and see a plane in the sky, I want to fly it,” he said.

Jack’s now begun that process, with every hour gliding counted as one hour flying when it comes to pilot training.

He is now working towards his glider pilot’s certificate, and has completed all the bookwork.

Like every young would-be pilot, Jack would love to one day fly a fighter jet, but his second choice would be the impressive C-17 Globemaster military transports which are based at Amberley.

Duncan said he would like to thank the Kingaroy Soaring Club for helping Jack with his training.

“They are absolutely world-class,” Duncan said.

Jack agreed: “They’re awesome!”

Anyone interested in gliding – particularly young people – have been urged to contact the Kingaroy Soaring Club for more information.

First solo flights can be taken as soon as the pilot turns 15.


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