July 18, 2024
What better way to spend a cold, winter’s evening – with light rain spitting – than gathering in Kingaroy’s Glendon Street Forecourt?
But there was free food, live music, gas heaters and lots of warm, friendly faces on hand on Thursday night to help make life seem a little bit better.
The annual Winter Warmers event is organised by the South Burnett Suicide Prevention Working Group.
Various agencies were on hand to provide helpful information, and even free beanies!
The first Winter Warmers event was held in 2017 to raise awareness about the many supports available in the local community, and provide some helpful information.
This year’s event was sponsored by Wesley LifeForce.
A guest speaker was RU OK community ambassador Jo Hassan, who emphasised that a simple conversation can save a life.
She urged people to use the acronym “ALEC”:
- Ask are you doing okay?
- Listen to what they say and tell them it’s all right to get emotional
- Encourage them to take action … see their GP or a counsellor
- Check in after a while to see if they’re coping since you first tried to help
* * *
If you or someone you know needs help, call:
- Lifeline on 13-11-14
- Kids Helpline on 1800-551-800
- MensLine Australia on 1300-789-978
- Suicide Call Back Service on 1300-659-467
- Beyond Blue on 1300-224-636