Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington showed visiting MP Dr Christian Rowan around the South Burnett last week (Photo: Nanango Electorate Office)

July 18, 2024

Shadow Minister for Education and the Arts Dr Christian Rowan collected feedback on local issues during a whistlestop visit to the South Burnett last week.

Dr Rowan, the State Member for Moggill, met teachers and residents during his visit, which was guided by MP Deb Frecklington.

Mrs Frecklington said the visit was an excellent opportunity to shine a spotlight on local schools and hear directly from teachers and staff.

“I was really pleased to welcome Dr Christian Rowan to the South Burnett to highlight some of the great achievements at our schools, but also discuss the challenges we face in the regional education sector,” Mrs Frecklington said.

“It was a jam-packed day with visits to Nanango State High School, St John’s Lutheran School in Kingaroy and a meeting with teachers and Queensland Teacher’s Union members.

“We discussed issues affecting teachers and education outcomes, including student behaviour, safety for school staff, literacy and numeracy, infrastructure needs, class sizes and resources, health and wellbeing of students and staff and much more.”

Dr Rowan also took the opportunity to visit the Wondai Regional Art Gallery.

“I was very proud to introduce Dr Rowan to community champion Elaine Madill and tour the Wondai Art Gallery,” Mrs Frecklington said.

“We were also very lucky to have a sneak preview of the much-anticipated Queensland Gallery of Modern Art travelling exhibition which will be on display at Wondai during July and August.

“Hosting an exhibition such as this shows just how respected the Wondai Regional Art Gallery has become and I would encourage everyone to take the time to visit the gallery and immerse themselves in this unique experience.”

Mrs Frecklington also hosted a “Pollies In The Pub” night at the Carrollee Hotel to allow LNP party members and other local residents to meet the visiting MP. 

Dr Rowan said the visit to the South Burnett had been very productive.

“I really appreciated the time so many teachers took to come and speak with me about the issues they face each and every day in their schools,” he said.

“It is so important to get this direct feedback about what is important for schools in the South Burnett and the policies which will support our teachers and students across the educational sector.”

Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington and Dr Rowan Christian Rowan, centre, with St John’s Lutheran School staff members Darren Schmidt, deputy principal Steven Lake and principal Karyn Bjelke-Petersen touring the new secondary building at the school (Photo: Nanango Electorate Office)
Deb Frecklington and Christian Rowan met with local teachers and QTU members (Photo: Nanango Electorate Office)
Principal Mark Freeman, left, and deputy principal Jade Wager, right, greeted Christian Rowan and Deb Frecklington at Nanango State High School (Photo: Nanango Electorate Office)
Deb Frecklington and Christian Rowan with Wondai Regional Art Gallery curator Elaine Madill, centre
Christian Rowan and Deb Frecklington, centre, with local residents Zac Dennien, Tom Wilson and Kimberley Francis at the Pollies In The Pub event (Photo: Nanango Electorate Office)


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