Nationals Leader David Littleproud

June 26, 2024

Nationals Leader David Littleproud says local communities have already backed the Coalition’s plan to build seven nuclear power generating sites around Australia.

Mr Littleproud was interviewed on Regional Sky News on Wednesday morning by presenter Jaynie Seal.

Ms Seal quizzed the Member for Maranoa about a report this week by the Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) which manages the National Electricity Market and the Wholesale Electricity Market.

“AEMO have come out saying that they believe that nuclear will be more expensive and be too slow to replace coal stations set to close in 2038,” Ms Seal said.

“They’ve also said that renewables are behind schedule. Certainly hearing a lot of divide with this nuclear policy. People are wanting more information. When do you expect to announce any further details?”

Mr Littleproud replied: “Very soon.”

“Just appreciate it’s not just an all-nuclear policy, it’s also gas as well as renewables,” he said.

“We’ll have a mix, we won’t go in (an) all-renewables approach. So there will be more renewable projects, there will be more gas with carbon capture storage in the right place.

“And we’ll announce that mix as well as the costings, which we don’t agree with AEMO, and we don’t agree with this continuation of an all-renewables approach that regional Australia’s bearing the brunt of.

“We don’t want a future of transmission lines, solar panels and wind turbines.

“Our communities have already voted. Everywhere where we’ve announced where these nuclear power plants will go, the community backs us.”

“So regional Australians are just saying to metro Australians, please hear our plight.

“We want to get to net zero, but let us do it in a way that doesn’t impact our livelihoods and takes away your food security by tearing up our prime land and driving up your food prices. Because all we’ve got is transmission lines, turbines, and solar panels over it.”

Tarong Power Station, between Yarraman and Nanango, is one of the locations named by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton to house nuclear reactors.

Mr Littleproud has previously stated local communities would be consulted but the Coalition would seek its mandate for nuclear power at the Federal Election.

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5 Responses to "Towns ‘Already Back Nuclear’"

  1. Do any of the politicians live anywhere near these proposed nuclear sites? Are they even aware of the work of scientists at the University of Queensland in converting carbon dioxide to electricity? Granted this is in the early stages, but given enough funding and support, could be an excellent alternative.

    Where does this supposedly positive feedback for nuclear power generating come from? Try talking to the people in the street to get an accurate picture! Also, in the event of the Liberal Party and their allies being voted in, there is no guarantee they will remain for longer than one election…

  2. Nuclear is old clean technology. With massive risks if it fails. And of course not enough water to cool in our dry climate.

    Arthur C. Clark was prophesizing this stuff 50 years ago.

    We are the smart state in a smart country – why go backwards to nuclear? Create something better and sell it to the world.

  3. Dear David, the community you represent does not want to be subject to you gaslighting them over nuclear sites – we don’t want or need it.

  4. What a load of codswallop, Mr Littleproud. You say you’ve surveyed the community and we’re right behind going nuclear.

    Well, I’d like to know who conducted your “survey” and what the sample size was, because ringing up a few rusted-on party hacks to ask what they think of this half-baked idea doesn’t count.

    Equally, consider this: Australia currently uses 55 per cent of its land mass for agriculture, which amounts to 4.2 million sq km devoted to cattle or crops. But the maximum amount of land needed to go all-renewable (and excluding rooftop solar) is estimated to be just 1200sq km, which is 0.01 per cent of the land given over to agriculture, presuming we don’t erect solar farms in the desert or wind farms offshore. So your claim that renewables would threaten our food security is a beat-up.

    No, we don’t need nuclear in Australia but what we do need, desperately, is honesty in politics and MPs capable of doing basic research.

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