Member for Flynn Colin Boyce says the nuclear policy will save jobs in his electorate (Photo: Flynn Electorate Office)

June 19, 2024

Member for Flynn Colin Boyce has welcomed the Coalition’s nuclear-based energy policy, saying it will keep jobs in his electorate.

“Without transitioning to nuclear, the Callide Power Station is set to close in the future and some 250 jobs will leave that economy; that means less children at the school. It means less groceries are sold at the store. It means less rate base for the local government authority,” Mr Boyce said.

“The Callide Power Station site offers important technical attributes needed for a zero-emissions nuclear plant, including cooling water capacity and transmission infrastructure, that is, we can use the existing poles and wires, along with a local community which has a skilled and experienced workforce.

“A key advantage of modern zero-emissions nuclear plants is that they can be plugged into existing grids. This means they can effectively replace retired or retiring coal plants and avoid much of the new spending needed for Labor’s ‘renewables-only’ system, including new transmission poles and wires. All of which will be passed on in the form of higher bills.

“The Coalition supports nuclear as part of the energy mix as we move toward delivering cheaper energy that does not compromise agricultural land, and the environment.

“No country in the world relies solely on solar and wind as Labor is proposing. By contrast, there are 32 countries operating zero-emissions nuclear plants. Another 50 countries are looking to do so.

“Of the world’s 20 largest economies, Australia is the only one not using nuclear energy, or moving towards using it.”

Mr Boyce has been campaigning this year against the rollout of solar and wind projects across Central Queensland alongside photographer and environmentalist Steven Nowakowski.

Their energy forums were featured recently on ABC-TV’s “Four Corners” program.


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