At Wednesday’s nuclear press conference in Sydney … from left, Shadow Treasurer Angus Taylor, Opposition Leader Peter Dutton, Deputy Liberal Party Leader Sussan Ley, Shadow Minister for Climate Change and Energy Ted O’Brien and Nationals Leader David Littleproud (Photo: Maranoa Electorate Office)
Member for Maranoa David Littleproud

June 19, 2024

Nationals Leader David Littleproud has invoked the memory of Queensland Premier Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen as part of his reasoning to back a nuclear power generator at Tarong.

“Just as Sir Joh Bjelke-Petersen and The National Party paved a legacy for the South Burnett with the commissioning of the Tarong coal-fired station in the 1980s, The Nationals are introducing the next vision for Tarong and the region,” Mr Littleproud said.

“Today’s announcement will not only lock in the existing secure jobs but create more jobs and economic investment for decades after the Tarong coal-fired power station reaches its end of life.

“I’m proud to say this will be the biggest single investment ever made in the South Burnett.”

“The Tarong community will benefit from a multi-billion dollar facility guaranteeing high-paying jobs for generations to come, an integrated economic development precinct to attract manufacturing, value-add and high-tech industry and a regional deal unlocking investment in modern infrastructure, services and community priorities. This will result in billions of dollars in local investment.”

Mr Littleproud said every Australian deserved access to reliable and affordable electricity.

However, he said, that under Labor power bills had increased by up to $1000 for many Australians, despite being promised a $275 cut, with Labor’s 43 per cent emissions reduction target by 2030 unachievable.

“Importantly, locals will own the power station. The Nationals will not allow our local energy security, and the nation’s energy security, to all be owned by billionaires or multi-national companies,” Mr Littleproud said.

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Audio supplied by Member for Maranoa David Littleproud:



One Response to "‘Biggest Investment’ In South Burnett"

  1. The Member of Maranoa is an absolute fraud of a politician that has been elected to ensure our best interests are maintained. A big fail for the South Burnett.

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