ACTU Secretary Sally McManus (Photo: Twitter)

June 19, 2024

The Australian Council of Trade Unions has launched a campaign against the Federal Coalition’s nuclear-based energy policy announced on Wednesday.

In an email sent to unionists,  the ACTU was urging supporters to order free bumper stickers reading “No thanks, Dutton – you can keep your toxic waste”.

The email,  authorised by ACTU secretary Sally McManus, said the nuclear power plan was bad news for workers.

“Economic and scientific experts have already rejected the idea – saying it will push up power prices, take more than a decade to build and cost jobs,” the email said.

“It will also create dangerous, radioactive waste.

“It’s a fantasy distraction, and a risk to all Australians.

“Workers need a safe and reliable plan that delivers good, secure jobs. Dutton’s fantasy plan will only cost workers higher power bills and pose a threat to renewable jobs.

“Dutton’s insane nuclear fantasy would make Australian energy bills explode, contribute almost nothing to meeting our net zero goals, put hazardous nuclear reactors in Australians’ backyards.”


4 Responses to "ACTU Launches Campaign"

  1. What a lot of BS. Tons of nuclear waste have been stored near the centre of Sydney for years and has there been a problem?? How many Australian workers are engaged manufacturing wind machines and solar panels here? Bowen’s insane wind and solar fantasy has made energy bills explode. What next?

  2. Raymond, I suggest you check your facts on this. Nuclear power generation creates high-level nuclear waste. No high-level nuclear waste is produced or stored at Lucas Heights. Look at the ANSTO website.

    The type of nuclear activity carried out at Lucas Heights creates low-level waste and intermediate waste. This IS stored there, mainly because Australia hasn’t been able to send it to France any more, and government plans to build a centralised long-term storage facility have stalled because NO ONE WANTS ONE anywhere near where they live.

    Also, Lucas Heights is not in the “centre of Sydney”. I guess you’ve never been there. It’s located on the southern outskirts in Sutherland Shire, surrounded on most sides by bushland. The suburb which used to be called Lucas Heights is now called Bardon Ridge because the residents wanted to shake off the nuclear stigma. And it is only a tiny reactor! Imagine what will happen to our house prices in Nanango if a big reactor is built nearby!!

  3. Yes Raymond, so which part of “the type of nuclear activity carried out at Lucas Heights creates low-level waste and intermediate waste. This IS stored there, mainly because Australia hasn’t been able to send it to France any more” didn’t you understand?

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