Now’s your chance to dob in an “unroadworthy road” to the RACQ (Photo: RACQ)

June 10, 2024

The RACQ is again calling on motorists throughout Queensland to dob in roads that urgently need upgrades.

The motoring group launched its biannual Unroadworthy Roads Survey on Monday, urging drivers to pinpoint problem stretches of roads that need attention.

Spokesperson Dr Michael Kane said the results would be analysed and provided to road authorities and politicians to help prioritise upgrades.

“Every driver is familiar with frustrating roads they come across on their daily commute or weekend road trip and we need their local knowledge and eyes on the ground to help us with this survey,” Dr Kane said.

“It could be a road that’s full of potholes, has narrow lanes, lacks overtaking lanes, has missing or faded line markings, or floods easily.

“By pinpointing these issues, you can help us bring problem roads to the attention of political parties and candidates contesting the upcoming Queensland and Federal elections.”

  • The survey closes on July 3 and can be completed online


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