Member for Flynn Colin Boyce says the Federal Government is not being “up front” about mobile phone black spot funding (Photo: Flynn Electorate Office)

June 6, 2024

Member for Flynn Colin Boyce says the Federal Government has “falsely claimed” the Mobile Black Spot Program has not been cut to zero.

“The Communications Minister (Michelle Rowland) has been attempting to argue that the program has not been defunded,” Mr Boyce said.

“But the facts are that the Budget papers show that zero funding has been allocated for the Mobile Black Spot Program in 2027-28 and they specifically refer to the ‘conclusion’ of the program.*

The Federal Government has previously stated the Mobile Black Spot Program – for which $45.9 million has been allocated for 2024-25 – has been rolled into its Better Connectivity Plan, a five-year plan also due to end in 2027.

After this, funding will be determined by the results of community and industry consultations, including the 2024 Regional Telecommunications Review and a review into the Universal Service Obligation.

An audit of mobile coverage and capacity is also being undertaken to better identify mobile coverage black spots and improve coverage maps.

However, Mr Boyce says the government is not being “up front” with people in rural and regional Australia.

“We can see again that the Albanese Government is not serious about improving mobile connectivity in the regions,” he said.

“It was the Coalition in government which set up the Mobile Black Spot Program and once again we see Labor crab-walking away from supporting it.”

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