Former Toowoomba councillor Megan O’Hara Sullivan

June 4, 2024

Former Toowoomba councillor Megan O’Hara Sullivan has been appointed to the Board of government-owned corporation Energy Queensland.

In February, Ms O’Hara Sullivan announced she would not be recontesting her Council position at the March local government election.

She had served two terms on the Toowoomba Regional Council since 2016.

Her new role with Energy Queensland was announced by the State Government on Tuesday.

Another new face on the Board is former Powerlink and Energex executive general manager Kevin Kehl.

Reappointed were Karen Lay-Brew and former Deputy Premier and Attorney-General Paul Lucas, who retired from politics in 2012.

They both joined the Energy Queensland Board in 2021.

Energy Queensland is the umbrella body which runs Energex, Ergon Energy Network, Ergon Energy Retail and Yurika.


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