May 30, 2024

South Burnett Regional Council has been discussing potential sites for a new Community Centre on the Bunya Mountains with a local group of residents.

A Council spokesperson confirmed this week that Council was having discussions with the Bunya Mountains Community Association Inc (BMCAI) in regards to possible sites.

However, Council has not gifted any land for the project.

In its latest newsletter, the BMCAI reported that representatives from the association had met with Council staff in early May to inspect Lot 80 on Bunya Mountains Road as a possible location for the proposed community centre.

The lot is opposite the Fire Station.

The BMCAI believes the Trustee Title for the lot was recently transferred from the State Government to the SBRC with a new designated use, “public hall and recreation”.

The BMCAI first began discussing the idea of a community centre on the mountains in 2021.

It 2022, it identified potential sites within the Western Downs Regional Council area however this idea hit a funding hurdle.

The SBRC spokesperson said Council was looking forward to continued co-operation and working with the community group.

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