Larry Cann … special guest at Kewpie Stockfeeds’ Field Day in Kingaroy on Thursday

May 22, 2024

Country music singer – and 4SB personality – Larry Cann will be the special guest at Kewpie Stockfeeds’ special Rural Industry Field Day in Kingaroy on Thursday.

He will be singing and compering presentations throughout the event.

This is the first field day that Kewpie has held since 2015, and the first since Paul and Delvene Woltmann took over the iconic local business two years ago.

The day will kick off at 9:00am at Kewpie’s complex at 9-13 Youngman Street.

There will be everything for the rural producer, including trade stalls, demonstrations from suppliers and presentations on animal nutrition and health.

There will also be an opportunity to catch up with QRIDA’s Burnett Regional Area manager Cindy Godden to find out more about First Start and Sustainability Loans.

These could help producers invest in new water infrastructure, diversify their income, buy livestock and property or introduce new technology.

There will also be information about high-tech ways to collect and process data in regards to carcase and feedlot performance.

Emma Black,  co-founder pf Black Box Co, will be on hand to discuss how software can collect raw data from across the beef supply chain to help forecast production.

Kewpie Stockfeeds has also promised there will be food, drinks and barista-style coffee available as well as field day specials from both Kewpie Stockfeeds and Kewpie Steel Sales.

There will also be great prizes to win.


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