Kilkivan student Zahra Hill’s artwork was featured on the 2023 Farm Safety calendar (Photo: WorkSafe Qld)

May 3, 2024

Hey kids! It’s time again to enter the annual Farm Safety calendar competition hosted by Workplace Health and Safety Queensland.

Twelve winners will be published in the 2025 calendar, which will be distributed free to rural communities.

Students from Prep to Year 6 are invited to enter.

Twelve winning drawings will be published in 30,000 copies of the free 2025 Farm Safety Calendar which is distributed throughout Queensland.

Each winner will receive a $250 gift card for themselves and $500 for their school.

South Burnett primary schools have featured strongly in previous years, collecting many prizes.

Entries close on Friday, June 21 and winners will be announced in October.

The annual competition has been running since 2015.

Entries for the 2025 calendar should illustrate one of the following farm safety messages:

  • Electrical safety
  • Animal safety
  • Tractor and machinery safety
  • Quad bike safety
  • Water safety
  • Health and well-being

More information is available online


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