2023 was a very busy year advocating for our region, and 2024 is likely to be just as busy … but our region has had some significant wins along the way and I want to see this continue into the future

December 20, 2023

It’s Christmas Time, and as we approach the festive season and the New Year I would like to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas, good health, happiness and prosperity for 2024.

This year has certainly been a busy one, advocating for key local issues such as health, roads, crime and agriculture as well as continuing to hold the Labor Government to account.

It seems incredible that just last year so many areas across the Electorate were recovering from flooding, yet in the space of barely 12 months the situation is almost the complete opposite.

I have been advocating for a drought declaration for our region and will continue to highlight our plight with the Government.

The recent rains, however, have provided some hope and relief for many of our producers.

We are now less than one year away from the next State election.

The LNP recently released our blueprint for Queensland – ‘The Right Priorities for Queensland’s Future’ – which was developed by listening to Queenslanders and the issues that matter to them.

This is just the start and I look forward to sharing our detailed policies as they are released.

As always, it is an honour to represent you and our beautiful part of the world and I send my heartfelt wishes for a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

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Middle-distance runners Zac and Alex Farmilo were one of the six winners in the November round of my Local Hero Grants … the next round closes on March 31 and applications can be made through my website

Zac And Alex Earn A Local Hero Grant

Congratulations to South Burnett brothers Zac and Alex Farmilo who recently received one of my ‘Local Hero Grants’.

These talented brothers are working hard achieve in their sport of middle-distance running and the grant will help with their family with travel costs to competitions in Brisbane or on the coast.

Other winners of the November 2023 round were:

  • Lochlan Rollston – travel to NZ for youth rugby
  • Ryan Mollenhauer – travel to NZ for athletics
  • Zac and Alex Farmilo – travel to distance running comps
  • Suncoast Spinners – travel to wheelchair bastketball tournament
  • Tingoora SS P&C – Plants for grounds beautification

The next round of funding closes on March 31, 2024.

To apply, head to my website.

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It was an honour to present Kingaroy Station Officer Bruce Groer with his 40 year service medal alongside QFES Chief Superintendent David Tucker

Firies Recognised

On behalf of the South Burnett community, I would like to congratulate Bruce Groer on achieving 40 years of service with the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service.

Bruce has been a stalwart of the South Burnett, working tirelessly to keep our communities safe and ensuring the protection of life and property in our region.

It was an honour to help present Bruce with his award for this significant milestone.

I would also like to congratulate the team of Auxiliary Firefighters from the Nanango Urban Fire Station, who received the Commissioners Commendation Award for their role in the flash flooding event of July 22, 2022 in Nanango.

Part of their work on the day involved their swift water rescue team, who recovered the body of a local man who tragically lost his life in the floodwaters.

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Congratulations Arthur And Gwen!

Gwen and Arthur Fisher show some of the messages they received to mark their 60th wedding anniversary

On November 30, Kingaroy residents Arthur and Gwen Fisher celebrated their 60th wedding anniversary.

Congratulations to them both on reaching this wonderful milestone.

It was also an absolute pleasure to help Arthur surprise Gwen with messages of congratulations from:

  • His Majesty King Charles III
  • the Governor-General of Australia
  • the Prime Minister of Australia
  • the Governor of Queensland and
  • the Premier of Queensland.

If you or someone you know is celebrating their 50th, 60th or 70th wedding anniversary – or a 90th or 100th birthday – please contact my office and we will be happy to assist.

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The new 2023-24 KCCI Executive … Jacqui Trace, Daniel Pelcl, Steven Fiedler, Mitch Gray, secretary Paula Greenwood, president Damien Martoo, David Musch, Susan Robertson, former executive member Lachlan Brown and Sheena Lindholm

New Faces On Kingaroy Chamber 

Our local business chambers work extremely hard to promote, encourage and support business in our regional towns.

In Kingaroy, the Chamber of Commerce & Industry (KCCI) has been going from strength to strength in the past few years.

Some recent highlights included opening an office in Kingaroy Street, running training  programs for the region’s businesses and promoting a shopfront renewal program that’s helped brighten up the CBD areas of many of our region’s towns.

Recently the KCCI held their final six-weekly Meet & Greet for the year along with their Annual General Meeting.

There’s a few new faces on the Committee, but most South Burnett locals will know them!

I look forward to working alongside this great group in 2024.


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