Stanwell’s Meandu Mine supplies coal to the Tarong Power Stations, but a new report suggests coal will become an uneconomic way to generate power much earlier than most experts previously thought

December 15, 2023

The Australian Energy Market Operator (AEMO) has forecast all coal-fired power stations in Australia will be “retired” by 2038.

This is five years earlier than AEMO predicted just a year ago.

Under one scenario in its “roadmap” released this week, 90 per cent of coal-fired generation could be retired by 2034-35.

To avoid disruptions, Australia would need to add about 6GW of renewable capacity to the grid every year for the next 10 years.

Currently, this figure is almost 4GW a year with renewable energy sources such as solar and wind already providing 40 per cent of Australia’s energy needs

The AEMO “roadmap” for the National Electricity Market lays out the predicted pathway for the grid for the next 20 years.

Footnote: Stanwell Corporation has previously stated the predicted life of the Tarong power stations is 2035.


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