Retiring TRC employee Raymond White (in yellow) with SBRC councillors Kirstie Schumacher, Acting Mayor Gavin Jones and Cr Scott Henschen (at back) and TRC councillors Melissa Taylor, Carol Taylor, Mayor Geoff McDonald and Edwina Farquhar at the Googa Outdoor Education Centre on Friday morning (Photo: TRC)

December 8, 2023

The “missing link” in a key back road linking Blackbutt to Crows Nest was officially opened in a small ceremony at Googa Creek on Friday morning.

South Burnett and Toowoomba councillors gathered together at the Googa Outdoor Education Centre to unveil a plaque marking the sealing of the last 5.7km section of Nukku Road.

The $6 million project was a combined effort by three levels of government, with funding from the Federal Government’s Roads to Recovery Program as well as the State Government’s Transport Infrastructure Development Scheme.

The missing link has been upgraded to a two-lane bitumen seal.

Cr Carol Taylor said the completion of the project was a great win for residents and travellers in the northern part of the Toowoomba Region and southern part of the South Burnett Regional Council area.

“This has been a unique project in that the Nukku Road missing link has joined the TRC and SBRC Council areas finally with this last section now sealed,” Cr Taylor said.

“The project ensures there is now a fully sealed road in a more direct alignment between Crows Nest and Blackbutt.

“I’m delighted all three levels of government were able to come together to contribute to this project, which has now reached practical completion.”

Cr Taylor thanked local residents for their patience as the work was completed as well as Council crews who undertook the works.

“I would particularly like to acknowledge Foreman of Construction (C&M North) Raymond White who will retire from Council after 25 years of service at the completion of this final project of his career. The Nukku Road project is a great legacy,” Cr Taylor said.

Acting Mayor Gavin Jones and councillors Kirstie Schumacher and Scott Henschen represented the South Burnett Regional Council at the opening ceremony.


One Response to "‘Missing Link’ Officially Opens"

  1. Fifty years ago the road from Blackbutt to Toowoomba was a bone shaker with corrugations up the hills and round the corners.

    Gradually the TRC has turned this road into an example for all road construction throughout the State. It is such a pity their know-how and professionalism couldn’t be transferred to the Government and other local authorities so the D’Aguilar Highway could cease being the goat track it is, especially the bottom of the Blackbutt Range!

    I did laugh to see a sticker in Kingaroy recently – “I am not drunk, I am dodging the potholes” and another “In Australia we drive on the left, in the bush we drive on what’s left of the road”.

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