November 8, 2023
Applications are now open for Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington’s Year 12 School Leavers Bursary.
Mrs Frecklington said the $1000 bursary was a way she could support a school leaver in the Nanango Electorate as they made the next step in their education journey.
“It is always a major step for our Year 12 school leavers who must travel away for TAFE, university or other training and this bursary is one way I can help support them on their pathway to further study,” Mrs Frecklington said.
“The bursary aims to provide financial assistance with the costs associated with moving to their place of learning, tools, the purchase of books, IT or other necessary requirements.
“It provides me with an opportunity to show my support for young people who are passionate about furthering their skills and education, and who may not otherwise be able to afford to live away from home.”
Applications close on January 22.
“Applicants will then be shortlisted and the successful recipient will be selected through a panel interview in early February,” Mrs Frecklington said.
“Over the past four years, the bursary has supported students undertaking study in the fields of teaching, optometry, IT and medicine and I look forward to supporting another young person on their career path.”
More information about the bursary guidelines is available on Mrs Frecklington’s website or by contacting her Electorate Office on (07) 4190-7100.