September 18, 2023
The Kingaroy Aero Modellers Society hosted a “fun fly” event at the weekend at their Booie airfield.
Club president John Box said five visitors took advantage of being able to camp on site, thanks to the support of property owners, the McLennan family.
KAMS have flown their model aircraft on the Booie-Crawford Road property for more than 30 years.
The weekend event started on Friday and stretched over to Monday, but the main day was the “social Sunday” which coincided with the club’s Annual General Meeting and a sausage sizzle lunch.
About 45 people attended with 30 pilots taking their models to the air.
Visitors came from the Samford Valley, Dalby, Deception Bay, Bundaberg and Burnett Heads.
“There was also an interesting travelling visitor all the way from South Australia, towing his little house on wheels, that has been seen around the South Burnett in recent times,” John said.
The current executive was re-elected at the AGM: president / secretary / registrar John Box, vice-president Darryl Dove, treasurer Denis Hansen, safety officer Mark Brazier, training and assessment officer Leister Janetzki and members’ representative Garry Jordan.
“The club has grown in the last year from 18 seniors, one junior and one associate member to 27 seniors, one junior and two associates,” John said.
“A couple of highlights of the day were past member, now living in Bundaberg, Dean Eckart providing several exciting aerobatic displays to show what is possible with a model aircraft.
“Club member and cropduster pilot Scott Jarron provided an impromptu aerobatic display in his full-size Pitts Special that had the crowd up out of their seats and applauding.”

Thank you southburnett.com.au for the ongoing support and excellent coverage of events at KAMS.