August 30, 2023
An important review is currently underway to look at developing a regulatory framework for wind farms in Queensland.
With the South Burnett being impacted by these developments, I would encourage anyone affected by a proposed wind farm development – or who has an interest in renewable energy developments and their impact on communities – to make a submission.
You can do so by clicking this link.
Submissions close on Monday, September 4.
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BVRT Turns 5!
Time really has flown since the official opening of the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail five years ago!
The Trail runs the full length of the Somerset Regional Council area, heads through Blackbutt and ends at Yarraman.
There is no doubt that the Rail Trail has grown from strength to strength over that time and it has become a ‘bucket list’ item for cyclists, horse riders and hikers.
It has also created an economic boost for the townships along the trail and we’ve seen the growth of new tourism businesses and opportunities.
I am proud to have worked alongside the Somerset Regional Council, and key Rail Trail advocates like Paul Heymans, to support this unique asset for our region.
Here’s to even more success for the Brisbane Valley Rail Trail for many, many years to come!
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BaconFest Takes Over Kingaroy
Congratulations to Chief Baconeer, Anitta Stallwood and her band of more than 300 volunteers who put together an amazing Baconfest 2023.
There is no doubt that the highlight of this iconic festival is seeing our region come alive and everyone celebrating our primary producers, the pork industry and of course, all things bacon!
A special thanks to the students of Taabinga SS who created the amazing Baconfest artwork for my office window.
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Supporting Ride 4 Relay
It was a privilege to support the riders and crew taking part in the 2023 Ride 4 Relay as they started their journey from Wondai.
When I spoke with them on the morning of their departure, they were all in great spirits and looking forward to the challenge.
They are undertaking a huge 400km ride over four and half days via Nanango, BP Dam and Proston to raise money for Cancer Council Queensland.
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Walking for Epilepsy

I’d like to mpass on my huge appreciation to Lance Nash and his crew (including Lance’s dog Sandy) who walked from Nanango to Linville recently in support of Epilepsy Queensland.
So far they’ve raised $2,600.
We really have some great people in our community doing such great things.
Did you know that every 33 minutes another Australian is diagnosed with epilepsy? Please support Lance in raising awareness at his Facebook page ‘Lances Walk for Epilepsy’.