August 15, 2023
Woolooga husband-and-wife duo Cecilia “CC” Diaz-Petersen and Greg Petersen are probably best known for hosting the annual Rosella Festival, which celebrated its eighth outing in May.
But its their “CC’s Kitchen” range of jams, pickles and condiments which is now turning heads, and leading to an expansion of their business.
The couple’s farm operates on a paddock-to-plate model, with Greg growing the fruit and vegetables and CC using them as the main ingredients in various food products.
The Petersens recently applied successfully for a Sustainability Loan from the Queensland Rural and Industry Development Authority (QRIDA) to help them expand their operation.
They have used the funds to build a commercial kitchen and upgrade their tractor.
“Building our new kitchen has been life-changing for us because over a year ago we were operating out of a 3 x 3 metre kitchen,” CC said.
“Now the whole building is 20 x 15.5 metres, so we are able to create more products more efficiently and open up more avenues to value-add into our farming business.
“I thought I had passion before but the fire in the belly is actually hotter than ever because now I have a kitchen big enough for me to do a dance and be creative, and I also enjoy what I do.”
QRIDA’s Burnett Regional Area Manager Cindy Godden said another advantage of the expansion of the Petersens’ farming business was that it meant there was enough work for them to employ people all-year-round, rather than just seasonally.
“(The loan) gives the Petersens the benefit of cross-training their employees, so they may be starting out the day early on the farm with Greg and then transitioning to the kitchen with CC through the heat of the day,” Cindy said.
CC said it was a relief to have the sale of their food products as an extra income stream for when uncertain times occurred.
“Farming is very tough, especially when you have to deal with things like floods, droughts and hailstorms because severe weather is uncontrollable,” CC said.
“But whatever I do under my kitchen roof is controllable, so we can always knuckle down and make more jams.
“For products that we normally send to market, if they’ve got a little bit of a kink or a speck on it normally you can’t sell it, so what we’ve also been doing is cutting the bad part of the imperfect fruit and either cooking or freezing it for later.”
The Petersens’ new air-conditioned tractor is also keeping Greg cool in the heat, as well as reducing his farm labour hours.
“It’s good having a new tractor because you can work the farm more efficiently and the tractor has a four-in-one bucket which I can use to level ground, push out old rosellas, and pick up dirt,” Greg said.
Cindy helped the Petersens with their Sustainability Loan application to make their dream a reality.
“I first met with Greg and CC in 2018 and we started off like most of our clients around the kitchen table.
“We had discussions about financial information and CC also showed me her shed design,” Cindy said.
CC said Cindy’s agricultural knowledge and engagement throughout the process made all the difference.
“Cindy really helped give us the best chance possible to apply for the Sustainability Loan with QRIDA so that’s a lot of trust there both ways,” CC said.
“Cindy understands what we are trying to achieve, and she was able to perhaps give us some guidance of ‘where do you want to take this business, have you looked at this’ and actually gave us an idea of what we need to prepare.”
The Petersens’ farm upgrades are not only increasing their business’ long-term sustainability, but also enabling the husband-and-wife duo to live out their passion project.
“Greg loves farming and I love cooking, so what a better way to live,” CC said.
“The fact we live out on this beautiful little piece of dirt, but also get to enjoy each other’s company as well,” CC said.
QRIDA’s Sustainability Loans of up to $1.3 million can help primary production businesses expand and add value to their enterprise.
Information about QRIDA’s Sustainability Loans can be found online
- Related article: Big Boost For Rosella Festival