July 25, 2023
South Burnett Regional Council is one of 24 councils across Queensland which will receive assistance from a new $3 million Rural and Remote Capacity Building Project.
The project aims to provide targeted training for staff to boost skills, meet local needs and retain workers in the community.
The council recipients were identified by the Local Government Association of Queensland.
The training will also be extended to small businesses or organisations providing support to Councils, and include accredited training, tickets, part qualifications, non-accredited training and micro-credentials.
“We welcome the opportunity to deliver the project in partnership with the Queensland Government,” LGAQ CEO Alison Smith said.
“Rural and remote councils are often the biggest employers in their regions so it is great to have this funding to provide high-quality training which will contribute to the liveability of these communities.”
Other councils which are part of the project are: Balonne, Banana, Barcoo, Barcaldine, Blackall-Tambo, Boulia, Bulloo, Charters Towers, Cloncurry, Diamantina, Etheridge, Flinders, Goondiwindi, Longreach, Mareeba, McKinlay, Murweh, North Burnett, Quilpie, Richmond, Southern Downs, Tablelands and Winton.