July 21, 2023
Deputy Mayor Geoff McDonald has been elected the new Mayor of the Toowoomba Regional Council.
The appointment was not automatic but followed a process set out in the Local Government Act.
At 12:01pm on Friday, when Mayor Paul Antonio’s resignation officially came into effect, Cr McDonald slotted into the role as Acting Mayor.
Councillors then had the task of selecting a new Mayor from among their ranks.
Two councillors put up their hands: Cr McDonald, who was appointed Deputy Mayor in 2020, and former Cambooya Shire Mayor Cr Carol Taylor.
Each were invited to speak for two minutes.
After the speeches, Cr McDonald was elected Mayor by nine votes to one.
Councillors now have the task of electing a Deputy Mayor, which is expected to occur at the TRC’s next meeting.
And within 14 days of the new Mayor being appointed, CEO Brian Pidgeon must invite nominations to fill the vacant Councillor position which has been created.
Nominations will be invited from any person who is qualified to be a Councillor, and from everyone who was an unsuccessful candidate at the last local government election.
Councillors will then meet again and formally resolve to fill the vacant office of Councillor by appointing one of the nominees.
This must occur within two months of July 21.
NB. There was no requirement to hold an election to fill the office of Mayor as the vacancy occurred within 12 months of the next local government election, which will be held in March.
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The newly elected Mayor paid tribute to Paul Antonio during Friday’s Special Meeting.
“Firstly, I’d like to pay tribute to our outgoing Mayor Paul Antonio for his outstanding service to the community,” Mayor McDonald said.
“He leaves behind a remarkable legacy. To have served for close to 42 years is an amazing achievement and one which may not be seen again in local government in this region.
“Secondly, I’d like to thank my colleagues for their support by selecting me as the new Mayor for the Toowoomba Region.
“I’m incredibly honoured and understand how much of a responsibility it is to be in this position.
“I’m also aware of how big the shoes are that I have to fill and will do my best to repay the faith which has been shown in me by my colleagues and the community.
“As Mayor, I promise that I will fight and advocate on behalf of this community to get the best possible outcomes for our residents.
“I will represent the community with honour and dignity and do my utmost to be a leader you can be proud of and one that will always be available to each and every resident.”
I want to pay my respects to Paul Antonio as Mayor of Toowoomba Regional Council.
Paul Antonio does leave behind a remarkable legacy. It was a pleasure working with him. I believe that Geoff McDonald was the best choice of Mayor for the remainder of this term.
Ratepayers will have a decision come March 2024 as to who they wish to carry on the great work of the Toowoomba Regional Council.
I’d like to pay tribute to out outgoing Mayor Paul Antonio for his outstanding service to the community and acknowledge Geoff McDonald as the new Mayor.
Best wishes to Mayor Geoff and Council for the balance of this term.