May 17, 2023
Did you spot the big, yellow flood boat in the Kingaroy Town Hall Forecourt on Wednesday? It was all about WOW, ie. Wear Orange Wednesday to thank the SES volunteers that help the community when floods, storms and other disasters hit.
But the problem is, the number of people wearing orange in the South Burnett at the moment is dropping.
In fact, there are currently no members in the Murgon SES unit, and Proston could also do with an influx of new recruits.
SES Area Controller Brenton Phillips, who is based on the Sunshine Coast, came to Kingaroy for WOW. He was joined in the Forecourt by volunteers from the Blackbutt, Nanango, Kingaroy and Wondai SES units.
Brenton, who oversees the SES units in the South and North Burnett regions and Gympie, said the day aimed to celebrate the SES volunteers but also to attract new recruits.
His position was new and meant the SES could now provide a lot more targeted support to regional units.
His focus at the moment was to try to increase numbers in Murgon and Proston.
Brenton said the SES offered volunteers the opportunity to get the skills to empower themselves when disasters hit, such as the back-to-back floods that parts of the region suffered in the past few years.
He said recruit courses would be held in the region over the next few months (see below).
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The local SES units meet on Monday nights from 7:00pm-9:00pm, however as they often train as a combined unit because of the smaller numbers, the location can vary from week to week. Interested people should phone Local Controller Scott Barry on 0460-304-715 for the weekly location.
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A Recruit Course for the Murgon SES will be held on July 22-23.
The program is designed to provide recruits with the opportunity to gain Field Operations rank after six months of active service.
Topics to be covered include first aid, operating communications equipment, safety and rescue operations.
Anyone interested should contact Area Controller Brenton Phillips by email or phone 0448-979-525.
All SES application documents must be submitted before June 22.