Nanango Youth Parliament representative Hannah Woodard-White with Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington (Photo: Nanango Electorate Office)

April 12, 2023

Member for Nanango, Deb Frecklington, has welcomed Hannah Woodard-White to her new role as the 2023 Youth Member for Nanango.

The Nanango uni student will be heading to Brisbane this weekend for the launch of the Queensland Youth Parliament.

“Each year I am always impressed by our Nanango Electorate Youth Members and Hannah is no exception,” Mrs Frecklington said.

“She is enthusiastic and excited and it was a pleasure to talk with her about the Youth Parliament process and the unique opportunity she will have this year as our region’s Youth Member.

“Hannah has started her university studies this year at QUT and is working towards a degree in both Law and Psychology.

“I know she is passionate about representing young people from our area and being the voice of youth in our electorate through the QYP process.

“She has been selected for the Education, Employment, Small Business and Skills Development and Arts committee and will now help write a Bill proposing a law reform on this topic.

“The Youth Parliament program will kick off on April 14 when the Youth Members will meet for the first time, participate in a special launch ceremony at Parliament House and start discussing ideas for their Bill.

“From there they will meet and liaise with their committee members and then they will come back together in late September for the official ‘Sitting Week’ at Parliament House in Brisbane to debate their Bills and deliver personal statements.

“Youth Parliament brings together 93 young people aged 15-25 each year to teach them about the government decision-making process, while providing an excellent leadership opportunity for young people like Hannah who may one day become our future decision makers.”


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