March 30, 2023
Nanango Show Society members held a small celebration at the showgrounds on Saturday afternoon to name their 2023 showgirls and Rural Ambassador.
The entrants were interviewed by the Show Society’s Coral Sanders before being invited to enjoy afternoon tea with Show Society members and supporters.
Sashed were Showgirl Emma Franz, Teen Showgirl Memphis Schloss, Junior Showgirl Ada Kurz and Rural Ambassador Carly Smith.
Emma and Carly will go on to compete against other South Burnett entrants at the Sub-Chamber finals, which will be held later in the year, for a chance to represent the region at the Ekka.
In the meantime, they they will be looking forward to the annual show, which will be held on April 14-15.
This year’s show has the theme: “Nanango – Celebrating 175 Years”.