February 14, 2023
The Burnett Inland Economic Development Organisation (BIEDO) has received a grant to develop new branding to showcase the Burnett as a food destination.
The support to showcase the “Flavours of the Burnett” has come from the Tarong Community Partnership Fund.
“I hope that our region will finally see its brilliance in food and begin to self-identify as a sophisticated food region,” BIEDO general manager Kristy Board said.
“My hope is that every citizen of the region can celebrate food when stopped on the street, especially on topics like our local food, food festivals and food manufacturing.
“Imagine the kind of community we can co-create if we had a brand to help us all realise that the Burnett Inland is much more than a group of regional small towns, instead accurately representing our story by saying that the Burnett Inland are global players with bespoke food experiences.”
BIEDO says it will be encouraging residents and visitors to discover and connect with local products as well as encourage business development for food production, manufacturing and agritourism.
The organisation plans to release the branding this month.