Chief Baconeer Kristy Board and Jim Bennett from the South Burnett Pantry (Photo: BaconFest)

December 16, 2022

The organisers of this year’s Kingaroy BaconFest have donated two $5000 cheques to local community groups.

The lucky recipients of the profits from the annual festival – which roared back into life this year after COVID-enforced cancellations – are the South Burnett Pantry and the South Burnett Suicide Prevention Working Group (SBSPWG).

“It is an incredible feeling, coming into Christmas, that we could deliver these cheques. The real spirit of our festival is shared in the moments with our community, and this was a very special moment,” Chief Baconeer Kristy Board said.

“To hear the impact of $5000 on these community groups, who support those struggling in our community, has been extremely humbling.”

Jim Bennett, from the South Burnett Pantry, said it would be the first time in months the group would be able to cover all its costs.

“Our organisation is completely run by volunteers, we have no room left to move, especially with the increased costs we are facing,” Jim said.

“This year, we are finding people are coming to the South Burnett Pantry with increased levels of desperation.

“We used to have a high proportion of people who would use the Pantry to be thrifty and get more out of their dollar. This year, person after person is arriving with a voucher that they’ve had to request from a third-party charity like the St Vincent de Paul Society.

“We have noticed more stories in our community about housing insecurity, homelessness and domestic violence.

“Most people are coming here because they just aren’t able to make ends meet.

“The last three months have seen a significant increase in food need.

“From October to November, The South Burnett Pantry has had an increased need of 100 households.

“We’ve worked to keep the Pantry as the exception to costs going up because those in need should be able to access our groceries for no extra cost.”

“We don’t have a funding partner. Just like everywhere else, the cost for us to provide food to those in need has gone up.”

Andrew Saal, from SBSPWG, said the money would give the group the ability to start planning events and initiatives for 2023.

““We have put together suicide prevention resources that are now available in our community,” he said.

“This year (we) held a number of events to spread awareness and share information on how we can support the community around us to prevent suicides,” he said.

The next Kingaroy BaconFest will be held from August 18-20.

Footnote: Cash donations to the South Burnett Pantry can be made by direct deposit to: The South Burnett Pantry, BSB 014-630, a/c 193-776-816 

Chief Baconeer Kristy Board with Matthew Vels (SBSPWG), Gail Gibson (BaconFest), Mark Magisana (BaconFest) and Andrew Saal (SBSPWG) (Photo: BaconFest)


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