October 17, 2022
A total of 77 landholders took part in South Burnett Regional Council’s baiting campaign in September, Cr Scott Henschen told a recent Council committee meeting.
He said 2209kg of meat was injected with 1080, producing 3854 wild dog baits and 2492 pig baits that were distributed amongst 205 land parcels covering a combined 52,150 acres.
“Not only does a co-ordinated program provide a greater degree of control across a more extensive area for both pigs and wild dogs, there are additional positive environmental benefits achieved through the control of feral cats and foxes that wreak havoc on our unique native wildlife,” Cr Henschen said.
He said the program was very well-controlled and all information was kept on a register.
Cr Henschen also referred to the success of private pig-shooting programs, saying he had recently engaged an aerial contractor who had killed 80 pigs in less than an hour in a very small area.
He said Council had been having discussions with neighbouring councils about feral pest control.
Cr Henschen hoped a presentation about aerial shooting and exclusion fencing could be made to Council in early December.
That is an insane amount of poison – a poison that has banned throughout the world.
Aust farmers have been using 1080 poison for more than 50 years, and each year they say there are more dogs and dingoes than the year before, so that must prove it isn’t working.
To leave a poison that will also kill other birds and wildlife, and that is still residually active for about 12 months (according to a scientific report done in the late 90s up in the Territory) borders on being dangerously reckless.
Why don’t the farmers use more proactive measures to protect their livestock by using guardian animals, such as Maremmas, & donkeys, electric fences?
History and scientific research has shown that by killing off the dingoes allows macropods, pigs, cats & foxes to breed up in bigger numbers, causing the farmer more problems.
Interesting statistics. Now please tell us how many eagles, magpies, kookaburras, quolls, possums, bandicoots etc also died? Shooting seems to be a far more humane way to kill pigs and feral domestic dogs (not dingoes!) without the horrendous impact on Australia’s rapidly disappearing native wildlife.