April 29, 2022
About 1640 people have already voted in the poll for the Division 1 vacancy in the South Burnett Regional Council.
The figure – current to lunchtime Friday – was released by an Electoral Commission of Queensland spokesperson.
Early voting will continue until 6:00pm tonight (Friday) at the early voting centre located in the Nanango Library at 48 Drayton Street.
On Saturday, the polling booth will be open at Nanango State School from 8:00am to 6:00pm.
Vote counting will begin immediately after the polls close at 6:00pm.
Depending on the closeness of the vote, a decision may be known as early as Saturday night or Sunday, however a close result may depend on postal votes.
Postal votes must be completed by 6:00pm on Saturday and received at the ECQ by 5:00pm on Tuesday, May 10, so they can be added to the count.
Electoral Commissioner Pat Vidgen visited the early polling site this week.
“Early voting began here in Nanango on Tuesday and there’s been a great turnout so far,” Mr Vidgen said.
“On day one more than 490 people voted and on Wednesday more than 540 ballots were cast – some people were even waiting for the polling booth to open.
“It’s fantastic to see people keen to have their say about which one of the four candidates they want as their next councillor, and casting a ballot during the early voting period also frees up their long weekend.”
Electoral commission staff also visited Nanango Hospital on Friday to collect votes from eligible in-patients.
Voting is compulsory for people enrolled to vote in Division 1.
More information is available on the ECQ website
- Download: Are you in Division 1? Check here (624kb PDF)
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