April 11, 2022
Rebecca Jackson has secured the Number 1 spot on the ballot paper for the Division 1 South Burnett Regional Council by-election.
Four candidates have put their hands up for the poll.
The ballot draw for positions on the voting slip was conducted on Monday afternoon at Nanango Library by Returning Officer Alicia Hangan after nominations officially closed.
The candidates (in ballot paper order) are:
- Rebecca Jackson
- Levi Madeley
- Anthony Edwards
- Jane Erkens
The election will be held on Saturday, April 30.
A polling booth will be open at Nanango State School from 8:00am to 6:00pm.
Pre-poll voting will also be available at the Council offices in Drayton Street from 9:00am to 5:00pm on April 26-28; and 9:00am to 6:00pm on April 29.
Telephone voting will not be available.
The by-election has been called due to the resignation of Cr Roz Frohloff on March 23.
Voting is compulsory for all people enrolled to vote in Division 1.
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Am I in Division 1? Download this map to check the boundaries (585kb PDF)
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The Electoral Commission of Queensland is looking for people who would like to assist at the polling booth in Nanango on election day and / or pre-polling.
Information is available on the ECQ website