March 23, 2022
Nanango residents will be heading back to the ballot box following the shock resignation of Division 1 councillor Cr Roz Frohloff on Wednesday.
Cr Frohloff made her announcement during the March general meeting.
She said “unwarranted personal abuse and safety concerns” had played a role in her decision to stand down from the job.
She also had concerns that Council’s current leadership was having a detrimental effect on cohesiveness, which had “eroded the joy of serving my Division and the South Burnett as a whole”.
Cr Frohloff thanked those residents who had first elected her in 2016 and returned her unopposed at the 2020 poll.
She also thanked Council’s staff, whom she said were often unfairly criticised because the public did not understand what they did.
The Electoral Commission of Queensland will now be asked to arrange a by-election to fill Cr Frohloff’s position.
It is understood that Cr Frohloff intends to resume her career as a QAS paramedic.
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Cr Frohloff’s resignation speech:
As of close of business today I regret that I announce my resignation as Division 1 Councillor for the South Burnett Regional Council.
I am enormously proud that the residents of Division 1 elected me to represent them in the 2016 election, and even prouder to be re-elected unopposed in the 2020 election.
But now – due to changing circumstances, unwarranted personal abuse and safety concerns – I have decided to step down from my role as Councillor.
Also, I have come to realise that the current leadership is having a detrimental impact on Council’s cohesiveness, resulting in eroding the joy of serving my division and the South Burnett as a whole, to the point where I can no longer be personally involved.
During my time as the Division 1 Councillor I have been presented with some amazing experiences and have really enjoyed my portfolio as well as the education and knowledge that it brings.
I will always cherish my supporters and thank them from the bottom of my heart for their support and respect.
I would also like to thank my non-supporters, for you have made me stronger and it is easy to be the kicker and not the kicked.
To the people who believe they can do a better job – now is the time to put your hand up.
I must (also) thank the amazing South Burnett Regional Council staff – each and every one of you, inside and out. You have all been amazing.
A lot of the time the staff are criticised and labelled very unfairly, but if people could see exactly what they do there might be more respect on that front.
I believe that the staff of the South Burnett Regional Council are the backbone of the council, not the councillors – a massive thank you to everyone.
I look forward to continuing my new career, still living and working within the South Burnett, and wish the people that matter all the very best.
Thank you.
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Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington said the resignation of Cr Roz Frohloff after six years on Council was a major loss for Nanango and the entire region.
“Cr Frohloff was an active and highly professional councillor who always acted in the best interests of her community,” Mrs Frecklington said.
“I understand her decision was an extremely difficult one, however, I know she will continue to be involved in the community through the many groups she supports, and through her role as a paramedic.
“Roz was a quiet achiever who deserves acknowledgement for her service to the South Burnett.
“On behalf of the community I would like to thank her for her dedication and wish her and her family all the best for their future endeavours.”
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South Burnett Mayor Brett Otto thanked Cr Frohloff in a media statement released on Wednesday evening.
“I want to thank Roz for her time serving her Division and the community and for her contribution during her time as a Councillor,” he said.
“I wish her and her family all the best for the future.”
CEO Mark Pitt also paid tribute to Cr Frohloff:
“Roz was an extremely hard-working Councillor and will leave large shoes to fill.
“Her portfolio area knowledge and understanding of community issues was immense and she will be missed by our Council.”
The media statement noted Cr Frohloff had been actively involved in many projects, including her portfolio areas of water, wastewater and waste management as well as chairing the Local Disaster Management Committee since 2020.
In accordance with the Local Government Act, the temporary vacancy in Division 1 must be filled within eight weeks.
“Council will work closely with the Electoral Commission of Queensland to progress a by-election,” the statement concluded.
Oh wow! This is a big surprise. I worked for South Burnett Regional Council when Roz first stepped into her role, actually our offices were in spitting distance. Right from the get-go Roz was a consummate professional. I know in time, she will look back on her role as a Councillor and I hope she will be very proud of her achievements. All the very best Roz and thank you!
We wish you well for the future, Roz. A big thank you for a great effort, done always with cheerfulness and kindness to all. You will be missed by the staff I’m sure.
Surely the electoral commission will do some sort of inquiry into why this long-serving and hard-working councillor has resigned, especially considering the statement in regard to the current leadership having a detrimental impact on council’s cohesiveness?
Thanks Roz for your dedication and service.
Being transparent about the reasons for making such a difficult decision is appreciated.
It helps everyone understand your decision.
Regardless of your title, you have always served your community selflessly and no doubt will continue to do so. Thank you!
May your reflections create change from the top down and the bottom up.
Dear Roz, what a difficult & courageous decision you have made. I have always found you to be a wonderful role model & such a valuable & selfless community member/leader.
Wishing you inner peace & all the very best for this next chapter of your life.
Interesting that Roz took a shot at Council leadership. I wonder to whom she was referring, the Mayor, the deputy Mayor, or the CEO?