January 2, 2022

South Burnett Local Disaster Management Group has confirmed it is the Omicron variant of the SARS-CoV-2 virus which is currently circulating within the South Burnett and Cherbourg.

This is good news for the region as health experts who have examined data from South Africa and the UK are now stating more confidently that this variant – although much more contagious – is leading to fewer hospitalisations and deaths from COVID-19.

At at 7:00pm on January 1, there were a total of 25 COVID-19 cases listed for the South Burnett LGA by Queensland Health, the cumulative total for the region since the pandemic began in 2020.

Since December 29, 22 cases have been added to this total.

southburnett.com.au understands the next batch of official statistics from Queensland Health will show a substantial jump in cases in both Cherbourg and the South Burnett.

New cases are expected in Kingaroy and Murgon as well as Cherbourg.

The South Burnett LDMG met again over the weekend with members of the Cherbourg LDMG and the District Disaster Group to monitor and respond to the growing number of COVID positive cases across the whole region.

A spokesperson said the LDMG had been advised that from now on it would only be notified of major outbreak venues or super-spreader events in Queensland.

Queensland Health is also no longer routinely listing exposure sites as transmission of COVID-19 is now widespread throughout metropolitan, regional and remote Queensland.

Contact tracing is focusing on household and household-like contacts.

“Advice received is that all (residents) should expect that any interaction in the community could lead to a COVID exposure. Our community can minimise our risk of exposure with social distancing, wearing of masks and of course vaccination,” an LDMG spokesperson said.

“If you have any COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, call your doctor or 13 HEALTH (13-43-25-84) and get tested.

“Call Emergency Services on 000 if you are very sick.”

  • External link: COVID related information on the SBRC website

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