October 18, 2021
More upgrades are on the way along the D’Aguilar Highway between Kingaroy and Nanango, as part of a multi-million-dollar State Government program.
Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said the works would improve safety along the important connector.
“This month, we’ll be upgrading the Hodgleigh North Road and Cairns Street intersections,” he said.
“This includes dedicated left and right turning lanes installed at the D’Aguilar Highway and Hodgleigh North Road intersection.
“The works will also see the Hodgleigh North Road intersection moved about 100 metres north.
“Further along, a dedicated right-turn lane will be installed at the southern Cairns Street intersection along with raised medians to improve pedestrian safety.
“Wide centre line treatment, audio tactile line marking and raised retroreflective pavement markers will also be installed along the highway between Parsons Road and Peterson Drive.”
Mr Bailey said these works were the third package of a larger safety project for the area.
“As part of our commitment to improve safety between Nanango and Kingaroy, we’ve already installed dedicated turning lanes at the intersections of Sommerfelds Lane as well as Redmans, Ushers, Edenvale South and Edenvale North roads,” he said.
“Drivers are already enjoying the benefits of new turning lanes at several intersections as part of the multi-million-dollar safety improvements being delivered.”
Works already completed along the D’Aguilar Highway:
- Millis Way / Darli Street intersection – dedicated right-turn lanes installed for both side roads
- Ballin Road / McCauley Road intersection – the Ballin Road intersection relocated slightly south to create a four-way intersection. Dedicated right and left-turn lanes installed for motorists turning into McCauley Road
- Bellbird Road intersection – a dedicated right-turn lane installed
- Lucas Road intersection – right-turn treatment installed
The project is funded by the Queensland Government with $18 million allocated under the High Risk Roads Initiative as part of the Targeted Road Safety Program. An additional $6.5 million has been allocated under the State Road Network Upgrade program.
RoadTek is delivering the works which will be carried out between 6:00am and 6:00pm on weekdays.
That’s great news. However it’s not going to stop the impatient ratbags who think 100kph is too slow and flaunt the road rules by overtaking across unbroken lines and speeding up to 140kph or more to achieve their manoeuvre.
We really do need a few more overtaking lanes, or perhaps some fixed speed cameras.
Just in case people don’t know, if you have a dashcam and record someone speeding and or driving dangerously, you can submit that footage, anonymously, to the police. I’m not sure if they take action on just one incident, but if a speeder has been caught on dashcam multiple times I think the police would have a word with the owner of the vehicle.
I fully agree with Bouncer. Overtaking lanes (in both directions) would make the D’Aguilar Highway so much safer. If possible not in downhill sections but uphill, where heavy trucks or caravan-towing cars are slowing down. Speed cameras would probably be good, too.
Every time I travel on that highway some impatient idiot overtakes without having the necessary view on the road ahead, over double lines, crests or curves. Shopping trips to Kingaroy have become a risk to life and limb as traffic has increased dramatically in the last few years.