Moffatdale State School students listen attentively as Matt Wild passes on some basics about the ukelele (Photo: Topology)
Moffatdale students have a go with the ukeleles under the guidance of Matt Wild
  (Photo: Topology)

October 19, 2020

Students from Moffatdale, Cloyna and Windera State schools entertained some special visitors last week who dropped in to share some musical skills.

John Babbage and Matt Wild from the Brisbane-based quintet Topology have visited the cluster previously with their “Top Up” program, but this time there was an extra bonus for the budding young musicians … they will have the opportunity to play alongside Topology at their upcoming Wondai concert on November 13.

While Matt taught some basic ukelele skills, John hosted a composition workshop where the students were encouraged to create a “South Burnett song”.

They contributed ideas about the history, people and places which will be put together into one song.

The completed song – using ukeleles and maraccas – will be performed at the Wondai concert.

John also entertained the students with some top-notch saxophone playing.

Students taking part in the music workshop at Windera State School (Photo: Topology)
John Babbage with students at Cloyna State School (Photo: Topology)


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