September 18, 2020
More than 50 farmers along Barambah Creek have been issued with new groundwater licences allowing them to irrigate their crops and water their stock.
Natural Resources Minister Dr Anthony Lynham said 54 farmers had been issued the area’s first groundwater licences for a total of about 8800 megalitres of water.
“Water security gives these farmers the confidence to plan for the future, expand their businesses and create jobs,” Dr Lynham said.
“These licences mean farmers now know exactly what they can be use, without affecting their neighbours’ supplies.
“The entitlements being a welcome addition to an existing 15,500 megalitres of surface water allocations, and will be particularly helpful in drier times when local dam and creek supplies run low.”
The licences have been issued to farmers in and around Murgon, Mondure, Wheatlands, Marshlands, Silverleaf and Byee areas which includes piggeries, cropping and cotton growing.
Dr Lynham said the licences followed extensive local consultation, including public meetings, individual meetings, and submissions and input from the Queensland Farmers Federation and Queensland Dairyfarmers’ Organisation.
- More information is available online