February 18, 2020
A lot of people may have thought the concept of an art gallery in Blackbutt was a crazy idea back in 2002.
But after 18 years of continuous operation, it looks like its founders had a better sense of the market than their critics.
Today the gallery – which was originally called Butt Art – has become one of Blackbutt’s tourist icons.
Last week the community group that runs it put out a call for more talented artists and craft workers to join them.
Part of the secret of the gallery’s success is that rather than showcase the works of a few artists, it hosts works from up to a dozen artists and craftspeople at any time.
And rather than just showing the works of Blackbutt artists, the gallery draws artists and craftworkers from all over the region.
This allows tourists to browse a wide range of subjects, styles and price points that helps ensure a steady stream of sales year-round.
Recently a couple of its long-standing artists retired.
So now it would like to replace them with new, up-and-coming South Burnett artists who would welcome more opportunities to display and sell their work.
“We’re a small gallery with a big reputation,” gallery secretary David Daniel said.
“We also enjoy encouraging local talent within the talent-rich South Burnett community.”
David said artists who would like to find out more to drop into the Gallery at 38A Coulson Street, phone the Gallery on (07) 4170-0221, email them or visit the Gallery’s Facebook page.