November 22, 2019
The Federal Government has provided support to help farmers set up co-operatives and build their bargaining strength.
Agriculture Minister Bridget McKenzie said an industry peak body, the Business Council of Co-operatives and Mutuals, will receive $2.5 million and Southern Cross University $500,000 to help farmers, fishers and foresters establish farm co-operatives and other collaborative business models to boost their negotiating power with buyers in the marketplace.
“I strongly believe co-operatives and mutual arrangements have an essential role to play in our ambitions to grow agriculture to a $100 billion sector by 2030, as well as reshaping parts of our broader economy,” Minister McKenzie said.
“In agriculture, co-operatives and other collaborative business arrangements can help give more control back to farmers, giving them a greater stake and say in the food supply chain, while lowering costs and improving production efficiencies.
“Thirteen of the top 100 co-operative and mutual enterprises in 2017-18 were in agribusiness and fisheries, with a combined turnover of $6.6 billion.