October 30, 2019
South Burnett Regional Council will undertake public consultation about changing one of the region’s longest road names to something much shorter.
At October’s Council meeting, Councillors were told a group submission suggesting renaming Brooklands-Pimpimbudgee South Road in Maidenwell to Beare Road had recently been received.
The meeting was told the Beare family were pioneers in the area who bought land adjoining the road a century ago.
The family had a long association with the district and a direct descendant still lived on the property.
In particular, David Beare – the only son of Charles Beare – lived all his life on the family farm and ran a Poll Hereford stud there for many years.
He was a well-liked and respected personality who had significant involvement in the community, frequently driving along the road to visit neighbours, and was a vital part of the local grapevine.
“Davey was a real character, memorable to everyone who met him,” the meeting heard.
“Tragically, he drowned on a creek crossing during a flash flood in February 1992.”
Officers said the road has been referred to by several names in public mapping systems over the years.
These included Pimpimbudgee Road, Brooklands-Pimpimbudgee Road and Brooklands-Pimpimbudgee South Road.
These variations led to problems for emergency services.
Council had originally been intending to standardise the name as Brooklands-Pimpimbudgee Road until the alternative submission was received.
Officers noted the proposed new name conformed with Council’s road naming policy, but suggested public consultation should be carried out and a further report provided to Council once this was done.
Councillors agreed.
If the road name is changed, residents living along it will need to change their addresses.
Council will also need to replace existing road signs with newer, much shorter ones.