February 7, 2019
Opposition Leader and Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington has congratulated Kilkivan State School P&C on its successful application to fund upgrades to the Kilkivan Swimming Pool.
The P&C received $34,500 in the latest round of the Gambling Community Benefit Fund scheme to heat the pool and buy more equipment.
Kilkivan Pool – like the swimming pools in Proston and Blackbutt – is owned by the local State School but is also open to the public.
It is partially funded by Gympie Regional Council.
Mrs Frecklington dropped in to see the pool during a visit to Kilkivan on Wednesday.
Currently the pool is open for six months of the year, but the community is hoping the heating upgrade will enable the season to be extended – both for community use and to allow local swimmers to train for longer.
The pool is popular with students at Kilkivan P-10, several of whom are making a splash in major swimming competitions.
Kilkivan P-10 has five students competing at the State championships next weekend and will have nine students at the Wide Bay championships.