December 7, 2018
Federal Member for Wide Bay Llew O’Brien has announced the latest round of successful applicants from the Federal Government’s popular Local Sporting Champions program.
“I’m pleased to congratulate the 32 sporting champions in Wide Bay who have been successful in obtaining funding to compete in their chosen events,” Mr O’Brien said.
Two young sports stars from the South Burnett were successful in the Wide Bay electorate:
- Laura Hafey, from Tansey, for the Australian National Polocrosse Championship
- Harrison Sippel, from Redgate, for the Queensland School Sport 14 & Under Cricket
The Federal Government’s Local Sporting Champions program supports young sportsmen and women between the ages of 12 and 18, by providing grants of $500 to $750 to help meet the costs of participating in sporting events, including travel, equipment, uniforms and accommodation.
“The cost of participating in these events can be quite high, especially where travel over great distances is required, so this funding will help to ease that pressure and assist them towards achieving their sporting goals,” Mr O’Brien said.
The Australian Sports Commission (ASC) is responsible for the management and coordination of the program, with grant recipients selected by a local panel.
- Applications for the grants can be made at any time, through the Australian Sports Commission’s website