September 5, 2018
The future of the Proston Bowls Club will be debated at a special meeting this Wednesday night (September 5).
The club, which has just eight full members, is under pressure to pay its running costs.
Bowls Club president Ian Piper said while there were no immediate plans to close the club, he hoped the meeting would encourage members to look at possible new directions.
“Our club has been a very popular location in the past,” Ian said.
“It provides an affordable place for the community to hold meetings and social events, and we need to look at raising awareness about that.
“Every year we have to pay for electricity, insurance, licences and rates so we need to look at how we can cover these running costs.
“If we don’t we’d have to close. And like a lot of things, if something is lost it never comes back.”
Ian said at the moment the club’s greens are struggling with the dry conditions, but members are looking forward to two upcoming annual events.
These are the President’s Day Carnival on October 14 and the long-running Proston Bottletree Carnival on November 10.
Both events draw bowlers from all over the region, who use them as a vehicle to renew old acquaintances.
Wednesday night’s meeting is for members only and will be held at the bowls club at 7:00pm.