JC Style leads home Probable Cause and My Wingman in Heat 4 of the harness racing at Nanango Showground on Saturday
May 1, 2018
The 109th annual Nanango Show was a galloping success at the weekend with crowds enjoying a jam-packed program of action in the show rings, at the rodeo and in sideshow alley.
The return of harness racing for the third year attracted a good crowd of spectators to the stands.
The cattle sections were affected by the upcoming Beef Expo in Rockhampton but still included a fine range of livestock, with many entries from local schools.
Students from Yarraman P-9 also had a musical impact on the show … busking near the main entrance as well as providing the musical accompaniment and choir for the National Anthem at the official show opening.
The show was opened by 2017 QCAS Queensland Rural Ambassador Christie McLennan who made an impassioned plea for the bush (see separate report).
She was joined at the microphone by South Burnett Deputy Mayor Kathy Duff who also presented the prize for the Best Long-Stemmed Rose, sponsored by Member for Nanango Deb Frecklington.
Recently crowned Stihl Timbersports Australian Champion Mitch Argent and his brother Jack, from Blackbutt, were in good form in the woodchopping ring, sharing many of the handicap prizes on offer.
The highlight of the evening rodeo was a charity steer ride by South Burnett councillor Roz Frohloff to raise funds for the LifeFlight Foundation.
The ride, which was streamed live by Council’s “Discover South Burnett” Facebook page, may have been short in duration but won much online praise all the same.
The next rural show on the South Burnett circuit is Kingaroy, which will be held this weekend (May 5-6).
Les Lee, from Murgon, with the Supreme Champion Exhibit of the Show and Supreme Champion Female, “Farragon Valley Aurora”, a 44-month-old Droughtmaster shown by Nick and Sarah Hughes, from Kandanga
Emily Gorton, from Kandanga, with Supreme Bull, “Kandanga Valley Malik”, a 19-month-old Charolais
Helen Arbon (on behalf of KSHS Y7s) was presented with the $100 prize for Long-Stem Roses by Cr Kathy Duff
Indiana Browning, 8, from South Nanango, received the Young Judges competition Grand Champion Sash from steward Coral Sanders … the competition covers all the young judging categoriesDean Beacom, 5, from Gladstone, was practising his swing while his mother was competing in the main arena … experienced woodchoppers were keeping a close eye on the youngsterJack Argent, from Blackbutt, wins Heat 3 of the 300mm standing block2018 Nanango Miss Showgirl Stacey Sanders congratulates Novice Underhand woodchopping champion Tony Arrowsmith, 74, from the NT300mm Standing Block Handicap … Jack Argent, from Blackbutt, 3rd; Miss Showgirl Stacey Sanders; Josh Adamson, from Buderim, 2nd; Miss Junior Showgirl Rhiann Tewes; Mitch Argent, from Blackbutt, 1st; and Miss Teen Showgirl Kiara WilsonCr Ros Heit with well-known Nanango resident John LeeStudents from Yarraman P-9 sang the National Anthem at the official show openingFellow students Charlie Oldfield, Nathan Gullen and Jack Oliveira provided the musical accompanimentShow Society president Les Schloss and his wife Robin, with 2017 Qld Rural Ambassador Christie McLennan, Deputy Mayor Kathy Duff and Show Society Patron Gloria FlemingChristie McLennan with 2018 Nanango Miss Showgirl Stacey Sanders …… Stacey hitched a lift with Terry Mackrell in his T-Bucket at the head of the motorised section of the Grand ParadeCr Danita Potter; Leanne Sainsbury, from Kingaroy; Jan Barry, from South Nanango; and Cr Roz Frohloff (before her rodeo challenge)Kevin Brand, from Noah’s Thoroughbred Racing Pigs, was serenading the animals between racesThe hectic finish of the Apple Sauce & Crackling Dash … the pigs race for a bowl of a milk