RSPCA Qld CEO Mark Townend (Photo: Linked In)

April 9, 2018

The RSPCA has again called for the banning of rodeos and bull rides following the death of two animals in the Moreton Bay region at the weekend.

The organisation is investigating the circumstances surrounding the deaths of two bulls at an event held at an Eaton’s Hill hotel.

The bulls – believed to have been just the first and third out of the bucking chutes – were euthanased after being injured.

The owners of the venue have rejected spectator claims there may have been an issue with the surface of the ring.

Hotel owner Rob Comiskey told media on Monday the surface had been deemed safe by the national body.

RSPCA Qld CEO Mark Townend said that regardless of the outcome of the investigation into the deaths, the sport should be banned.

“I believe we are breeding a bogan society with people getting  thrills out of seeing animals killed, maimed or injured all under the banner of entertainment or sport,” he said.

“Don’t believe the contrived lines these organisers put out that they love their animals.

“It’s ridiculous that in 2018 our population needs cruel sports to entertain themselves.

“If they want to see people knocked out and brain-damaged in a boxing ring for big dollars, well let them go if they are that silly.

“At least humans can say no.

“In rodeos and the like the animals don’t get a chance to say no. It’s left to decent human beings to stand up for them. We need all the decent people to help us end this cruelty!”


One Response to "RSPCA Calls For Rodeo Ban"

  1. What can be done Mark, the former CEO? How many video tapes did you view? Even your Chief Inspector couldn’t see a problem in it.

    The RSPCA has no rights now to protect any animal that isn’t domestic.

    That’s what happens when you give up your powers and accept State Government funding. Where is our genuine people who care and want to protect vulnerable animals?

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