February 15, 2018
The 2018 sign-on for the Nanango and District Netball Association will be held at their Brooklands Road courts this Friday (February 16) from 3:30pm to 5:30pm.
Girls and boys between five and 11, and girls aged between 12 and 18, have been invited to join this year’s competition.
Nanango and District Netball president Georgina Mitchell said the committee was very motivated to see this season through and that activity in the association was already underway.
“‘We are looking forward to a brand new year of netball here in Nanango. Brand new year, brand new season, brand new players and – most importantly – brand new courts,” she said.
“We have some passionate parents around the region who want to see their kids in sport to learn teamwork and motor skills, and netball is the perfect place to do that.
“We have also started our Representative Season with two trials already being held before the start of our regular season.”
Nanango and District Netball run a Net, Set, Go program for midgets aged between 5-8 years so basic throwing, catching and game skills can be learned in a fun and interactive environment.
The association is also looking forward to starting a new age group of Senior Cadets to encourage 15 to 18-year-old girls to keep playing or get back into organised sport.
“There is real gap for the 15-18 year old age group in sport,” Georgina said.
“We want to provide our sport of netball to keep them active in between their school and work commitments.
“There aren’t too many opportunities for girls of that age group to be involved in team sport. So we especially hope to see growth in this area.
“For every year we operate netball in Nanango, we develop the skills of our youth to encourage healthy habits, teamwork and resilience. It’s really a great club.”