November 27, 2017
Kingaroy Hospital Auxiliary’s fundraising appeal to buy an ultrasound machine has received a boost thanks to a $500 donation from the Kingaroy Quota Club.
Club secretary Wendy Tully said the 42nd Quota Annual Charity Open Golf Day held in Kingaroy in September raised funds for the appeal.
“After the generous $500 donation from Kingaroy Quota, we now have $28,500 raised towards the $46,000 needed to buy the machine,” Auxiliary treasurer Peter Mortimer said.
“The ultrasound machine will assist doctors to diagnose and treat medical conditions as it produces internal patient imaging.
We’re hoping to have enough funds raised to buy the machine before the end of next year.”
Proceeds from the Kingaroy Hospital Canteen will also go towards the ultrasound machine appeal.
Canteen convenor David Morton said he would be delighted to hear from anyone interested in assisting in the hospital canteen.
“The canteen is open to patients, staff and the general public from 8:30am to 2:30pm on weekdays,” Mr Morton said.
“The Auxiliary is experiencing difficulties in manning the canteen when a regular volunteer is unexpectedly away due to illness or family commitments, so we’d love to hear from anyone who’d be able to join the roster.”
Prospective volunteers can call Mr Morton on (07) 4162-9199 or 0448-843-887 if they would like to join the team.