November 17, 2017
A decade-long fight to get Blackbutt its own postcode paid off on Friday when Australia Post agreed to split the old 4306 postcode area in half.
The decision came after months of agitation by Member for Maranoa David Littleproud, who called on Australia Post to recognise that the South Burnett and Ipswich – 130km away – have nothing in common.
“In a postcode quirk, the Blackbutt region shared the same 4306 postcode as Ipswich, a city on the fringe of Brisbane,” Mr Littleproud said.
“This resulted in detrimental outcomes for this rural area, but today we’ve secured a new four-digit identity for this South Burnett region.
“I’ve had many discussions with Australia Post on this issue and today they’ve advised me they will change the Blackbutt area’s postcode from 4306 to 4314.
“When I was elected in September last year, one of the first phone calls I received as the new Maranoa MP was from Blackbutt residents who’d been campaigning for years for a new postcode, and today I’m proud to deliver them a win.”
Mr Littleproud said he’d been advised Australia Post will notify residents of the postcode change before the year is out, and will give the community will have ample time to prepare.
The new 4314 postcode will be effective from February 1, 2018.
However, Australia Post will continue to recognise and deliver mail addressed to 4306 until June 30, 2019.
Rural Blackbutt and metropolitan Ipswich are two separate localities but have been sharing the same 4306 postcode, along with about 56 other areas.
This postcode resulted in a wide range of negative outcomes for the Blackbutt residents, ranging from higher insurance premiums to difficulties in attracting casual backpacker labour.
“For Australia Post, the issue is all about mail delivery efficiency and I’m glad we’ve persuaded them to finally give this South Burnett gem a new mailing identity,” Mr Littleproud said.
Fact Box:
- The 4306 postcode included two separate regions but following recent community engagement with residents, Australia Post will allocate the new postcode 4314 to 4306’s northern zone.
- As of February 1, 2018 these towns will have a new 4314 postcode: Avoca Vale, Benarkin, Benarkin North, Blackbutt, Blackbutt North, Blackbutt South, Cherry Creek, Colinton, Gilla, Googa Creek, Harlin, Linville, Moore, Mount Binga, Mount Stanley, Nukku, Taromeo and Teelah.
Related articles:
- Powerful Problem With Postcode 4306
- Australia Post Grilled Over Postcode
- Chance To Protest Against Postcode
- Petition Targets 4306 Postcode
- Scott Again Targets Bizarre Blackbutt Postcode
- MPs Call On Australia Post To Review Postcodes
- Australia Post Refuses To Change Postcode
- MP Presses Minister On Postcode
- MP Targets Blackbutt’s ‘Unlucky’ Postcode
So it finally is happening – a special thank you to David Littleproud who has taken this matter on board and pushed and pushed until Australia Post in the end caved in. Maybe the recent segment on “Landline” about the local farmers’ difficulty to extend work permits for backpackers may have contributed also.
It has been such a long battle – I believe some 25 years ago this matter was already discussed. Of course, everyone will have to inform friends, family and business relations about the new postcode – the same thing has to be done every time we move house. But once this is done and we all have persuaded our respective insurance companies to recalculate their premiums based on the new postcode, we can sit back and enjoy the money saved every year.
A big thank you to everyone involved.