October 30, 2017
Life’s been busy at the Maidenwell Hotel recently, and there’s even more coming up.
On the Saturday night of the South Burnett and Cherbourg long weekend, manager Debra Wallis was run off her feet.
She had a verandah full of folk singers and players jamming as part of the Maidenwell Folk Festival weekend.
Then there was the 10 motorhomes from a club parked out back, plus a few “singles” from the recent solo motorhome campover in Nanangp.
And it was the pub’s regular pig-on-a-spit night.
The result? The kitchen queue stretched out almost into the side street … but no one was complaining.
The folk festival visitors, though, decided to postpone their usual Saturday night concert to Sunday.
Debra said the pig-on-the-spit night was becoming more and more popular.
The pub will be keeping to the pig theme on November 17-19 with their “Big Boar” competition.
Boar hunters will be competing for cash prizes for “Biggest Boar”, “Biggest Sow”, “Mystery Weight”, “Best Hooks”, “Biggest One Hunt Load” plus novelty classes for dogs and handlers.
Hunters must register prior to the event.
Cost is $20 per person/team. All pigs must be feral and they will be judged on dressed weight, no offal.
For more information, contact the Maidenwell Hotel on (07) 4164-6133.